Sunday, April 5, 2009

Lets vote!!!!

Today at 7:00am at People's plaza at Necklace road 5K walk was organized to create awareness on voting.It was a silent march giving out a strong message to everyone that voting is the right of everyone,so everyone must utilize their right to bring up a right leader.

At the walk many people were there,majority of them were youths and among them were many vasvians accompanied by the principal of our college.We all took part in the walk shouting out slogans "Lets vote!!!".

Here are some pics and a video of our contribution to the great cause:

A man battling against issues

He presents an arresting sight. Laden with luggage and two huge flags floating above him, 73-year-old Bageecha Singh from Panipat, Haryana, is on a one-man army battling with his eight quarrels with the world.

Spotted by Jhansi madam and Meena madam near our college, Mr. Singh claims to have trekked over 4.5 lakh kilometres over the past 12 years, covering the length and breadth of the country to propagate his message to the youth.

He says he set out on February 22, 1995, from Kanyakumari to create awareness among people, particularly youth, on eight issues — closure of gutka companies, protecting oneself from AIDS, curbing child labour, ban on private tuitions by teachers in government schools and colleges, ban plastic carry bags, stop cutting of trees, keeping sports and politics apart, and abolition of child marriage.